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Rangimarie Mules & Maraea Teepa

Māreikura: our ancestor’s wildest dreams

Te Pō, from the voids of darkness where light is not seen and sound is not heard. Te Whei Ao, the beams of light that penetrate to allow thought to emerge. Te Ao Mārama, to the world of light where our thoughts are put into practice.

Māreikura was founded on the layers of complexity in which we exist - Te Pō, Te Whei Ao, Te Ao Mārama. Through these three phases of creation, Māreikura created a space for the māmā of Kaikohe to dig deep into their lived experiences. Māreikura helped navigate the darkness to allow for potential to be enlivened for our teen māmā through creative expression and whakapapa.

"With Māreikura this is their wairua, they're coming on this journey with their ancestors with their whānau… We can tell our stories through tukutuku, through waiata and that's the beauty of Māori design. That's what makes us more unique in the process of user-centered design. That is the difference with Kaupapa Māori design” (Māreikura participant).

This three-part wānanga is a story of how indigeneity, research, design and authentic stories can add value to our current body of knowledge, perceptions and empathy for our peoples and communities. It is a story of innovation, led by our local communities. But most importantly, Māreikura is about realising that we are our ancestors’ wildest dreams.


Rangimārie Mules and Maraea Teepa are two Māori women who work extensively within Māori social innovation and design thinking. Their experience spans across many sectors, disciplines and communities. Maraea currently works for SKIP - a nationwide network that aims for all children in New Zealand to be raised in a positive way by parents and caregivers. Rangimārie is an independent design and social innovation consultant who is passionate about Māori systems change, social impact and design thinking. Together they created Māreikura.

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Desna Whaanga-Schollum