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Rau Hoskins & Dr Jenny Lee-Morgan

Te Manaaki o te Marae - The Role of Marae based interventions in the Māori Housing Crisis

In July 2016 Te Puea Marae in Māngere Auckland began opening its doors to homeless whānau and in so doing shone a light on this growing problem and galvanised central  government emergency housing action. In August 2017 the Te Manaaki o te Marae research project led by Jenny Lee-Morgan (University of Waikato) and Rau Hoskins (Unitec) in partnership with Te Puea Marae received funding for a two year National Science Challenge research project focussing on the role of urban marae in intervening in the Tāmaki and wider Māori housing crisis.

This presentation focusses on the outputs from the first 6 months of the project in particular the stories of current and former homeless whānau and the initial design work produced by the Unitec Te Hononga studio looking at new models for Tāmaki urban marae based emergency and long term accommodation.

Rau Hoskins and Jenny Lee-Mogan will co present.


Dr Lee-Morgan is an Associate Professor and Deputy Director of Te Kotahi Research Institute, at Waikato University.  Her Māori tribal affiliations are to Waikato.  Formerly a Māori secondary school teacher, Dr Lee-Morgan is a senior Māori researcher whose work has focused on social transformation of Māori learners, families, tribal groups and communities.

In 2016, she was awarded the Te Tohu Pae Tawhiti Award by the New Zealand Association for Research in Education in recognition for her high quality research and significant contribution to the sector.  Her most recent co-edited book ‘Decolonisation in Aotearoa: Education, Research and Practice’ (Hutchings & Lee-Morgan, 2016)) presents a broad decolonized agenda for Māori development.

Dr Lee-Morgan is the co-Principal investigator on the two-year research project ‘Te Manaaki o te Marae: The role of Marae in the Tāmaki (Auckland) Māori housing crisis, funded by the New Zealand National Science Challenge ‘Building better homes towns and cities’.  


As a practitioner and educator working in the field of Māori architecture and cultural landscape design, Rau brings a rare combination of kaupapa Māori design skills coupled with vast experience in urban design, Māori heritage, cultural and educational design consultancy.

Rau is a founding Director of Design Tribe architects which specialises in the field of Māori architecture particularly within cultural / marae, visitor, health, urban design, educational and papakāinga / Māori housing environments. He has been an Auckland Council urban design panel member since 2012 and continues to work with local iwi and the Auckland Design Office, Auckland Transport and Pānuku Development Auckland.

Rau also co-wrote and presented the ‘Whare Māori’ architecture series for Māori Television and in 2014 was part of the project team that designed and installed the inaugural New Zealand exhibition at the Venice Architecture Biennale, returning again in 2016 to provide specialist cultural support to the New Zealand ‘Future Islands’ entry.  

Desna Whaanga-Schollum